
Zimbra, also known as Zimbra Collaboration Suite or ZCS, is a group collaboration software package developed by Zimbra, Inc.

It is available for free as an open source package or as a commercial “Network Edition” that includes technical support.

The suite consists of server software that provides email, group calendars, and document sharing, all through the web browser of your choice.

You can also sync data with mobile devices, such as BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Android, and iPhone.

At SOLUTECSA we use Zimbra mail and collaboration servers for dedicated server clients. We can also install and configure a Zimbra server in AWS, Azure, or the cloud of your choice. We provide preventive and corrective maintenance for Zimbra, as well as data migration.

Office hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm


BAC Tower,

12th Floor, Balboa Avenue.

Panamá, República de Panamá.